Audiodescrizione nella classe di italiano L2: un esperimento didattico
audiodescrizione, italiano L2, traduzione audiovisiva, competenza lessicale e grammaticale, competenza interculturaleAbstract
Audio description in a class of L2 Italian. A didactic experiment
Audio description is an inter-semiotic translation process, converting visuals into spoken language. This translation practice is meant for visually impaired individuals and aims to increase their social inclusion and the availability of suitable media products, such as audio-described movies, for this specific audience. In this contribution, however, we will not focus on the social function of this translation practice, but will explore its potential in the field of foreign language didactics. We will present the results of a didactic experiment, carried out in a class of L2 Italian at Ghent University, in which the students were asked to write an audio description script. The main goal of this exploratory study is to test the validity of audio description as a didactic tool in a class of Italian as a foreign language and to identify the linguistic challenges that emerge for the students during a task of this kind. The results indicate that audio description is certainly a valid didactic tool for an L2 learning environment, since it promotes metalinguistic reflection and consequent awareness of various aspects of the used language, such as morpho-syntactic features (pronouns, prepositions, verbs), lexical aspects (encouraging precision and variety) and the (inter)cultural dimension.