La figura del coautore nelle letterature testimoniali in Italia


  • Daniele Comberiati Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 25a Rue Ernest Michel 34000 Montpellier
  • Bieke Van Camp Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 4273 Boulevard Paul Valéry, Res. Folia Verde, Appt. A22 34070 Montpellier



testimonianza, letteratura migrante, coautore, oralità, esperienze concentrazionarie


The figure of the co-author in testimonial literature in Italy

Between ca. 1990-1995, literary texts written by migrants with a native Italian co-author (most often presented as an editor) constituted a new phenomenon in the national literary panorama. If the topic has already been dealt with in historical and theoretical studies on Italian migration literature (Gnisci 1997; Parati 2005), a more in-depth study on the relationship between the co-author and testimonial literature is still lacking. Focusing on the Italian literary context, the aim of our article is to investigate the first phase of migration literature in comparison with deportation and concentration camp testimonies that, not surprisingly, have emerged since 1995 (Baldini 2012; Gordon 2012), when the first migrant productions began to run out. The similarities between the two types of texts are in fact numerous: in both cases the ‘testimonial contract’ (Lejeune 1975), although presented in different forms, is managed by the editor/co-author and not by the witness; there is a substantial difference between the legitimacy of the ‘witness’ and that of the author. Finally, the sensitivity of the public is in part the same and was culturally formed after the ‘Riflusso nel privato’ (litt. Backflow in the private sphere) of the 1980s (Crainz 2003).

Author Biographies

  • Daniele Comberiati, Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 25a Rue Ernest Michel 34000 Montpellier

    Daniele Comberiati è Maître de conférences in Italianistica all’Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3, e si occupa di letteratura della migrazione, postcolonialismo italiano e fantascienza contemporanea. Ha pubblicato nel 2010 Scrivere nella lingua dell’altro. La letteratura degli immigrati in Italia (1989-2007), Bruxelles, Peter Lang e nel 2017 Marginalia. Autori e opere ai margini del Novecento, Roma, Aracne.

  • Bieke Van Camp, Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 4273 Boulevard Paul Valéry, Res. Folia Verde, Appt. A22 34070 Montpellier
    Bieke Van Camp è Dottoranda in Storia Contemporanea all’Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3. Le sue ricerche di dottorato, sotto la supervisione di Frédéric Rousseau, indagano sull’esperienza concentrazionaria degli Ebrei italiani e olandesi attraverso analisi qualitative e quantitative delle testimonianze dei reduci. Sullo stesso tema ha pubblicato ‘“They called us Maccaroni, pasta eaters…” The integration of Italian Jews in the Nazi Camps’ in: Quest. Issues in Contemporary Jewish History. Journal of Fondazione CDEC, 12 (2017), pp. 59-88.







How to Cite

“La figura del coautore nelle letterature testimoniali in Italia” (2018) Incontri. Rivista europea di studi italiani, 33(1), pp. 89–104. doi:10.18352/incontri.10237.