Jahier interventista: il ruolo di Claudel e Proudhon


  • Dario Marcucci CUNY, Graduate Center




grande guerra, interventismo, modernismo, letteratura religiosa, traduzioni


Piero Jahier’s ‘interventismo’: the role of Claudel and Proudhon

This essay addresses Piero Jahier’s interventionism within the broader context of Italian Modernism. Jahier’s works – from the early articles appeared on La Voce up to Con me e con gli alpini – is investigated through the lens of the religious background of the author. In doing so, the article emphasizes the role played by two French authors, Paul Claudel and Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, in affecting Jahier’s stance on WWI. It argues that Jahier draws on Claudel’s and Proudhon’s work to shape the theoretical foundation of his interventionism. In Con me e con gli alpini, the echo of voices such as Claudel’s and Proudhon’s interacts with Jahier’s religious education, and gives a significant example of the interplay between Italian and French culture at the beginning of 20th century. 

Author Biography

  • Dario Marcucci, CUNY, Graduate Center
    Dario Marcucci è un dottorando in Letterature Comparate al Graduate Center, CUNY. Ha conseguito la laurea magistrale in Italianistica presso l’Università degli Studi Roma Tre, discutendo una tesi sulla presenza dantesca nella poesia Italia contemporanea. Lavora principalmente su modernismo italiano, letteratura della Grande Guerra e Film studies.




How to Cite

“Jahier interventista: il ruolo di Claudel e Proudhon” (2018) Incontri. Rivista europea di studi italiani, 33(2), pp. 78–88. doi:10.18352/incontri.10268.