Inventare una lingua segreta in classe: consapevolezza metalinguistica e apprendimento L2


  • Federico Gobbo Amsterdam Center for Language and Communication (ACLC) Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen Universiteit van Amsterdam Spuistraat 134 1012 VB Amsterdam


Parole chiave:

consapevolezza metalinguistica, lingue inventate, metodo Montessori, competenza lessicale e grammaticale, competenza interculturale


The invention of a secret language in the classroom

Metalinguistic awareness and L2 learning

Within the context of the Montessori School of Milan (Italy, via Milazzo) there is an innovative language laboratory held over two school years (pupils’ age: 9-11). The main goal of this laboratory is to foster pupil’s metalinguistic awareness, through the collective invention of a secret language belonging to all class members, with the help of researchers and teachers. Usually, languages are invented for artistic purposes − such as Star Trek Klingon − or for international communication, as was the case with Esperanto. It is less common to invent languages for didactic purposes. In this laboratory, every class invents its own secret language starting from the phonetic space until idioms and translation, passing through morphology and syntax. A lot of attention is paid to the language of instruction, i.e. Italian, by contrast: the invented language should be different enough from Italian in order to guarantee secrecy. The presence of many pupils belonging to families speaking at home languages different from Italian shows how the process of invention permits them to dramatically improve their competence in Italian being an L2 in a fun way, especially by writing bilingual texts Italian-secret language.


Biografia autore

  • Federico Gobbo, Amsterdam Center for Language and Communication (ACLC) Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen Universiteit van Amsterdam Spuistraat 134 1012 VB Amsterdam
    Federico Gobbo è Professore ordinario su cattedra speciale in Interlinguistica ed Esperanto presso il centro di ricerca sulla comunicazione e il linguaggio (ACLC) della Facoltà di Scienze Umanistiche dell’Università di Amsterdam e professore in visita all’Università di Torino. Svolge attività di ricerca sulle lingue inventate da vent’anni, sul cui tema ha pubblicato diversi articoli e volumi. Tra i suoi interessi di ricerca va segnalato l’insieme di problematiche legate all’apprendimento delle lingue in contesti di multilinguismo, sorti da vecchie e nuove forme di mobilità.






Come citare

“Inventare una lingua segreta in classe: consapevolezza metalinguistica e apprendimento L2” (2018) Incontri. Rivista europea di studi italiani, 33(1), pp. 27–41. doi:10.18352/incontri.10233.