Petrarca tra letteratura e potere politico


  • Jiří Špička Katedra romanistiky FF UP Křížkovského 10, 77180 Olomouc (Repubblica Ceca)


Parole chiave:

Petrarca, politica, signoria, intellettuale, Trecento


Petrarch between Literature and Political Power

Francesco Petrarca (Petrarch) was not only an outstanding poet and scholar of his age, but also an interesting example of a public intellectual ante litteram, at least he appears to be so from the writings he left to posterity. His works in Latin, in particular, provide a strong critical commentary on the political issues of his time and about civilisation and history in general. Petrarch loved to live close to the centers of power and to maintain good relationships with influential political personalities; nevertheless, he managed to avoid getting involved in practical political activity or being recruited as a secretary or courtier. Despite not being of noble birth, he succeeded in being accepted into the most prestigious social circles and, at the same time, maintained sufficient independence and freedom to dedicate his time to literature. In his works he tried to impose ancient Rome as a social model and Roman heroes as exemplars of individual qualities; he also tried to convince the political powers (especially the Italian maritime republics and the Roman Emperor) to re-establish Italian dominance, to as great an extent as possible, within the borders of the Roman Empire. Petrarch sought to quell the violence of Italian political life and restore the papacy to Rome, with the aim of opposing French power in Europe.

Biografia autore

  • Jiří Špička, Katedra romanistiky FF UP Křížkovského 10, 77180 Olomouc (Repubblica Ceca)
    Jiří Špička è professore associato di letteratura italiana presso il Dipartimento di studiromanzi dell’Università ‘F. Palacký’ di Olomouc, nella Repubblica Ceca. Ha studiatolingua e letteratura italiana e latina ad Olomouc, ha conseguito il dottorato di ricercapresso l‘Università ‘T. G. Masaryk’ di Brno con una tesi sul De remediis di Petrarca.Petrarca rimane il centro dei suoi interessi di ricerca, concentrata soprattutto sui suoidialoghi morali e sugli aspetti politici della sua vita e opera. Špička si è occupato anchedi letteratura italiana contemporanea e di teatro italiano. Attualmente la sua ricercaverte su Petrarca, Boccaccio e il dialogo nella letteratura medievale italiana.



Come citare

“Petrarca tra letteratura e potere politico” (2013) Incontri. Rivista europea di studi italiani, 28(2), pp. 48–55. doi:10.18352/incontri.9323.