La rappresentazione del potere cortigiano nel Marescalco di Pietro Aretino


  • Andrea Polegato 1020 East Kirkwood Ave. Ballantine Hall 642 Bloomington, IN 47405 (USA)


Parole chiave:

Pietro Aretino, Marescalco, potere, sodomia, corte, beffa


Representation of Courtly Power in the Marescalco of Pietro Aretino

This article addresses a particular form of power, courtly power, displayed by Pietro Aretino in his play Il Marescalco (the Stablemaster). Aretino’s perspective is particularly interesting because he is probably the only intellectual in fifteenth- and sixteenth-century Italy who managed to emancipate himself from any political influences. From this privileged position, Aretino’s play describes the relationship between the monarch and his courtiers and the real nature of the legitimization of power. Indeed, the character of the Duke of Mantua never appears on stage despite his role in organizing the prank against the protagonist, the Stablemaster. In this way, the audience’s focus is mainly on the courtiers and their zeal in carrying out the Duke’s orders. Aretino also chooses to set his play in the center of the city of Mantua rather than in the Court. The twofold absence of the Duke and the Court on stage underscores the real nature of courtly power. According to Aretino, its legitimacy lies primarily in the courtiers’ passive attitude towards their ruler and in their attempts to favor him rather than in his direct intervention. Furthermore, while power is generally seen as a purely masculine domain, Aretino turns this idea upside-down in a very original way, by describing the passive attitude of the courtiers towards their master as a homosexual intercourse and the courtiers themselves as woman-haters.

Biografia autore

  • Andrea Polegato, 1020 East Kirkwood Ave. Ballantine Hall 642 Bloomington, IN 47405 (USA)
    Andrea Polegato sta completando la tesi dottorato in letteratura italiana all’IndianaUniversity, Bloomington. Si occupa di letteratura rinascimentale e filosofia politica. Latesi di dottorato tratta dei primi scritti amministrativi e diplomatici di NiccolòMachiavelli (1498-1512) con l’obbiettivo di definire il linguaggio politico in uso presso ifunzionari della Repubblica di Firenze e il suo influsso sul pensiero machiavellianomaturo. Si interessa anche di comparazione tra Rinascimento italiano e Cina antica. Suquesto tema, ha copubblicato un articolo che analizza i film ‘Il mestiere delle armi’ e‘Cantando dietro i paraventi’ di Ermanno Olmi; ha inoltre ideato e insegnato un corsosull’arte della guerra che mette a confronto Machiavelli e il suo corrispettivo cinese,Sunzi.



Come citare

“La rappresentazione del potere cortigiano nel Marescalco di Pietro Aretino” (2013) Incontri. Rivista europea di studi italiani, 28(2), pp. 66–75. doi:10.18352/incontri.9325.